September 8, 2023
The First 100 Days: What’s It Like Working at The Studio?
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I like to think that my journey to Design Concierge Copy Manager began about a decade ago, when I worked at a real estate publication specializing in luxury homes. The work wasn’t always easy, but it certainly was fun: I got to tell the story of the most fabulous homes across the country.
Fast-forward, and this storytelling ability and experience got my foot in the door at The Studio. As part of the Design Concierge team, I now get to produce marketing materials for agents looking to tell their story and build them a powerful personal brand. (So basically, I get paid to make agents feel like rock stars!)
What’s it like working at The Studio? I noticed a few things right away: The people here love what they do and love to help out. My colleagues welcomed me instantly and made themselves available for the dozens of questions that popped into my head in my first few days.
Even with previous experience in the industry, getting the hang of the day-to-day ropes became a learning experience. As Copy Manager, I ensure the words on all our marketing pieces – brochures, property templates, email signatures or business cards, to name only a few – are not only correct and compliant, but also deliver the message that the agent wants to achieve.
Simple enough, right? Well, for all that I knew about real estate going into the job, there were things that surprised me. You’ve heard it before, but state real estate laws are a doozy. My day-to-day work involves a lot of compliance checks – but luckily, I’m armed with our style guide, which is a treasure trove of state rules, local legal requirements and even how to cite our sources. Plus I’ve got the eagle eyes of our Design Concierge copywriters, who are incredible at checking, checking and checking again.
It’s not easy being the new kid on the block – especially when there’s no office, no commute and no watercooler to anchor those crucial “getting to know you” conversations. But The Studio has been on the ball for making the most of work-from-home life, with frequent virtual hangouts and employee spotlights. I dove right in, submitting a photo for a costume contest within my first week of being hired. (The small sacrifice of my dignity paid off – I won second place!)
The first 100 days at The Studio has been a wild ride. There’s excitement and energy in juggling dozens of custom marketing projects, and the passion that our designers, copywriters and project managers put into their work is evident. It was obvious to me from day one that people love what they do – and even virtually, their joy is infectious. I get a great feeling about the next 100 days (and beyond)!