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March 1, 2022

The Giants of The Studio

Kristina Smith
Written By:
Kristina Smith

As a new addition to The Studio as a junior copywriter (I graduated with a journalism degree a few months ago), I consider this my first “serious/important” job (apologies to my previous employers).

At first, I had no intention of using my journalism degree. But when I finally branched into marketing for career options, I was wary of the choice I made. I expected whatever workplace I landed in to be static and not very dynamic. I imagined that every day I would get a stack of papers to trudge through until I got the next pile and repeat the drill. But after getting my first tour of The Studio, it didn’t take long before I was proven very wrong.

What were my first impressions of The Studio and the team? Well, meeting my co-workers was like meeting giants — these giants plowed through mind-boggling systems and clubbed me over the head with industry lingo. But they were also marketing veterans with experience from all over the nation and they did much to ease my initiation. Each day I wasn’t just being told how to do a job. I learned that my opinion was valued, and I could make contributions with ideas. My mistakes weren’t just pointed out. They were explained.

I quickly found out that The Studio isn’t just about producing, but about teaching, learning and growing so that every great project is perfected for those it will serve. Even I have a place in the big scheme of things. For example, as simple as it may be, coming up with a list of short, catchy headlines is fun and makes me feel like my creativity is important. And knowing that I can hop-skip to the cubicle of someone in a completely different role puts a world of resources and synergy at my disposal. And that’s barely a glimpse of the interesting tasks brewing in The Studio.

I found myself eager to learn—not just because it was my job, but because the projects I’m working on will have amazing results for agents and the company as a whole. I know it’s cliché, but I’m proud to be part of a team as it moves forward. I’m proud to be part of a team that’s so focused. And I’m especially proud to stand on the shoulders of giants. They’ve laid the groundwork, the foundation. But as I learned/am learning at The Studio, I’ve come to realize that they haven’t just laid the foundation: they’ve thrown up walls, a roof, and a welcome mat to future. The Studio has big plans and great work to achieve. And it’s a great feeling to know that one day I can point and say “I was part of that.” And when some future junior copywriter in The Studio is talking about me one day, hopefully, they’ll say that they were proud to stand on the shoulders of Kristina Smith.

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